Control Your Focus

Posted by Bedjo.78 | 9:19 AM | , , , | 1 comments »

Do you still have a candy in the jar ? well. note, if you want to take the candy  in the jar that you must enter by hand. The result? not all will be able to take. Even if you can pick it up, then your hands will not get out of the mouth of the jar. so, Take one or two candy, so you can get out more ...

I'm sure you  have a dreams. Remember some time before you graduated high school. Have you ever had a desire to go to college, or work, or go abroad? still remember your dreams? How many of your dreams ? You may have to answer 3, 5 or 10. Some of the others  answered more than 10 of dream lists

Dreams are meaningful to you. Your dreams will assist in directing your potential, allocate your time and encourage you to select a partner. In addition,  Dreams will help direct your life. Certainly, if you aspire to become doctors, what should you prepare? You should be able to graduate from high school and then choose the Faculty of Medicine. Odds you'll choose the Faculty of Public Economic, right? Similarly, if you want to have a family , then you must prepare yourself, choose a partner who supports this vision and a shared vision to sustain it. So, your choice is determined by your dreams.

Therefore, if you do not have dreams or aspirations yet, What do you really want? The following points can at least help you: happiness, love, religion, health, finances, profession, peace, respect,  descendants,  friendship / brotherhood (frienship), skills, education and hobbies.

Select and write above the 3-5 points you want to achieve in the next 1-2 years. Yes, you must select it in order to focus. Remember the candy in the  jar! Its difficult to take all candy from the jar at once.  So, choose an easy point,  make you fun and  powerful.

Hopefully you can focus to drive your life, your potential, and minset you. Remember, you should be only take one or two candies. However, if you've managed to pick it up, then there is no prohibition for you how many times you'll have take candies in the jar. After you succeed in your choice of 3-5 points, then there is no prohibition for you to take a rest, Remember  3-5 points only.   Create your dreams, focus and after a successful take and over again ..

be success!

picture : here

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Self Improvement Ideas for Parenting
Were you one of those people who had a surefire plan for raising well-mannered, respectful, intelligent, pleasant children? And are you now having the shock of your life as you realize that parenting is indeed the world’s most difficult job and that mistakes are unavoidable? If so, you are absolutely not alone.

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The Law of Attraction - How to use it

Whether you realise it or not, right now you are attracting people, jobs, health, wealth and relationships into your life – not all of them good! You get what you think about, whether wanted or unwanted. You are in fact a living magnet. This means that what you are focused on, you bring to yourself. Here's how it works. When you are focused on what you want, you are attracting to yourself what you want. When you are focused on what you do not want, you are attracting to yourself what you do not want. We humans are enormously powerful attractors and we can use this wonderful power or law to attract more of what we want in life – simply by paying attention to where we place our thoughts and desires.

Deliberately use this law to create your future! Have fun with the Law of Attraction, learn to use it daily to manifest your desires.

Joe Vitale says in The Secret: “So you want to become aware of your thoughts, you want to choose your thoughts carefully and you want to have fun with this, because you are the masterpiece of your own life. You are the Michelangelo of your own life. The David that you are sculpting is you. And you do it with your thoughts”.

Use The Law of Attraction to reach your goals and dreams
How do you reach your goals and dreams using this powerful law? Just practice these basic steps:

1. Be very clear about exactly what you desire – focus on it, write it down in great detail, give it all your positive energy, feel good about it as you dream. When you are putting positive energy into your dreams, you are sending positive vibrations to the Universe. The Universe always responds.

John Assaraf says in The Secret: “Our job as humans is to hold on to the thoughts of what we want. Make it absolute clear in our minds what we want and from that we start to invoke one of the greatest laws of the universe and that’s the Law of Attraction. You become what you think about most, but you also attract what you think about most”.

2. Visualize your goal – and feel those feelings of excitement about it, emotion raises your vibration to the Universe and will attract back what you want

Michael Beckwith says in The Secret: “You can begin right now to feel healthy. You can begin to feel prosperous. You can begin to feel the love that’s surrounding you, even if its not there and what will happen is the universe will correspond to the nature of your song. The universe will correspond to the nature of that inner feeling and manifest because that’s the way you feel”.

Bob Proctor says in The Secret: “See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it. It always works. It works every time, with every person”.

3. Allow yourself to receive – This may seem the hardest part, but let the Universe figure out how your goal can be achieved. Act like you already have it. Have faith. Be grateful. All you need to do is expect it.

Joe Vitale says in The Secret: “And the universe will start to rearrange itself to make it happen for you ..….If you turn it over to the universe you will be surprised and dazzled by what is delivered to you. This is where magic and miracles happen”.

That’s all there is to The Law of Attraction. Always expect your desires. Expect miracles. All this takes is a little practice.

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Road To Happy

Posted by Bedjo.78 | 8:23 PM | | 0 comments »

Memo. I remember my daughter very happy when she swimming at swimming pool last holiday. We spend our time a half day at there. yes swimming makes she happy.
Now, Can your success make you happy ? Can your money make you happy ? Can your job make you happy ? Can you answer it ? Do you really wanto happy ? I assure, everyone looking for happy and i successful n their life.

The more you are in a feeling of happiness the more the Universe must bring you situations, circumstances, and events which perpetuate that feeling of happiness for you. Don't blame out side condition, if dont happy yet.

There is simple tips, Road to happy NOW

1. Think and count your Blessing
Listen yourself, God give you many-many blessing. You are still alive in peace, you are healthy, you have good friends, etc

2. Say Thanks God, and "I'm better now"
SO, remember there is so many thing we should be grateful for. Than, you should be happier and say thank you if you count your blessing from your childhood. :-)

3. Stop Comparing Your Self with another
Yes. stop comparing your happiness with your neighbors, your partners, your another friends, your clients, etc. You will be feel jelous whe you below. Happy is not because____, but Although______ I feel Happy.

4. Creat,Think and Feel Happy in your Mind
If you are happy, then you are expanding happiness in your experience and the Universe will bring you more stuff (tangible and intangible) to perpetuate your inner happiness. Now if you have some limiting beliefs that you are not aware of, then that might filter out some of your more ideal experiences. An example would be that you are happy and end up creating a beautiful home to live in but you find out later that house has some foundational problems. Now you were happy and created this circumstance (the new house) but perhaps you had some limiting beliefs like:
It’s not possible for me to have the house, jobs, incomes of my dreams, etc...

Those beliefs and more could be a few examples of why you did not manifest your ideal situation.

5. Help your friends, family, or someone
You will be happy is if you can provide something beneficial to others. So, giving is principally way to happy.

6. Believe your self, HAPPY IS MY RIGHT.
Also, your happiness is never dependent upon your current circumstances. Another belief that people have is “I will be happy when _______. In essence, they are saying that I can’t be happy until my reality changes

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How to Stop Worrying

Posted by Bedjo.78 | 3:31 PM | , | 1 comments »

by Donald L

You need to know how to stop worrying if you want to live life to the fullest. Why? Because worry doesn’t do you any good. It won’t help you live a better life. It won’t make you feel better and more energized. Instead, it will make you less happy and less productive.

But how can we do that? How can we stop worrying? How to stop worryingHere are eight ways:

1. Focus on what you can control

Thinking about things you can’t control puts unnecessary burden on your mind. For example, why should you worry about how bad the economy is? There’s nothing you can do about it unless you are a key person in the government. No matter how much you think about it, nothing will change. So instead of worrying about it, focus on things you can control like building your network and increasing your value. Don’t worry about things you can’t do anything about.

2. Use your imagination positively

Worry is a misuse of imagination.
Dan Zadra

Your imagination is a double-edged sword. You can use it to dream big dreams and keep your motivation high, but you can also use it to discourage yourself. People often worry about something because they fill their imagination with all the bad things that might happen. The reality is often not that bad, but it looks worse and worse because they give it too much attention.

3. Expect good things to happen

Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.
Benjamin Franklin

Not only should you use your imagination positively, but also you should expect good things to happen in your life. Instead of expecting something to fail, expect it to succeed. Instead of expecting people not to like you, expect them to like you. You should be realistic, of course, but always expect to be a winner in life.

4. Accept responsibility

You might make mistakes in the past and worry about the consequences. In this case, the solution is to accept responsibility. Don’t let your worry drag you down. Accept the responsibility and move on. You still have a lot of great things waiting for you.

5. Be grateful

It’s easy to focus on the few things that could go wrong that we forget about the many things that already go right. That’s why having an attitude of gratitude is important. It keeps your perspective in balance. It makes you realize that for one thing that goes wrong there are many more things that go right. Just start with these simple things to be grateful for.

6. Run your own race

Stop comparing yourself with other people. Comparing yourself with others will only drain your mental energy. You have your own race to run. Instead of comparing yourself with others, focus on being the best that you can be.

7. Simplify your life

The simpler your life is, the fewer things you could worry about. So instead of doing a lot of things, focus on the few things that are most fulfilling and give you the most return for your time and effort. Find your life purpose and use the 80/20 rule to choose the few important activities to focus on.

8. Have faith

You should focus on things you can control. But what about things you can’t control? What can we do to eliminate any worry about them? The answer here is faith. You need to believe that everything will go well no matter how bad it might seem. You need to believe that everything will come out better in the end. Having faith eliminates a lot of worries in your life. It gives you peace of mind.


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Success is Not Always Instant Way

Posted by Bedjo.78 | 2:25 PM | | 2 comments »

Everybody want to success, as well as financial, healthy live, love, religion, etc. I assure you will be action to get more success. Right ? but, Have You goal to succcess?

well, lets know about success ...

- they said at here ..
The achievement of one's aim or goal; financial profitability; One who, or that which, achieves assumed goals

- they said at there...
Catch per unit of effort.

- Another said at here..

Let's clear up some common misconceptions about success:

1) You don't need to be very smart to get it.

2) You don't need lots of connections to get it.

3) You don't need lots of extra time to get it.

4) You don't need access to lots of money to get it.

5) You don't need to have any special training or knowledge to get it.

- He said about success as below
Success is more than going to work every day and getting paid. Success means finding personal satisfaction in your work and loving what you do. And it means engaging with a social world: a world of clients and employers, but also of readers, users and other designers. It is those things that make us rich.


Each of us defines success differently. In fact, Succees is not just instan. We have to struggle to get it. Yes, remember it!

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Concentrating and deciphering instructions are difficult for children with ADHD. When the instructions are given in school settings, their comprehension skills are further reduced. But simplifying homework directions to include visual aids and short, easy to follow sentences reduces confusion

Why ADHD-Friendly Homework Instructions Are Necessary

Children with ADHD have a harder time comprehending and listening to directions, especially in a school setting. Repeating the directions over and over will not help children understand or memorize the directions—it simply doesn't "click" with their brain.

Instead, teachers and teacher aides can use these five steps to simplify homework directions in an easy to follow, ADHD-friendly format.
How to Make Easy, ADHD-Friendly Homework Instructions

1. Strip the homework directions down to its basics. Using easy words and direct commands makes it easier for the ADHD child to understand and follow. Keep the sentences as short as possible, avoiding using commas to separate ideas, which can add extra confusion and possible misinterpretation. Instead, use periods to separate ideas. Turn the instruction into a question if possible. Do not elaborate on the instruction unless it is absolutely necessary.

For example, let's use the direction "Begin by reading the first story and identify the subject, the main characters, and the moral of the story". This will confuse any ADHD child because all of the information is jammed into one sentence.

An improved, ADHD-friendly version would be "Read the first story. What is the subject? Who are the main characters? and What is the moral of the story?"

This eliminates any wordiness, separates each thought into a direct, easy to follow format, and also turns most of the thoughts into questions. Using questions act as a signal to children, commanding them to take an action instead of simply reading the instruction.

2. If possible, use pictures or charts to illustrate homework directions. ADHD children respond better to visual cues, which reduces the amount of time they have to concentrate. The less time they have to concentrate, the better their school grades will be.

For example, let's use the same direction. For the first part, "Read the first story", draw an arrow from the homework direction to the story. For the direction "Who are the main characters?", include a drawing of the two main characters described in the story next to the question. Not only does it make it easier for the ADHD child to comprehend, the visual aids also provide additional clues for comprehending the question's meaning.

3. Split each set of homework directions. Do not include more than one set of homework directions on one page. If the child loses concentration and scans the entire page, he or she may see the additional instructions and become confused.

Instead, only include one set of homework directions on each page. For example, you would include the example "Read the first story", draw an arrow from the homework direction to the story. For the direction "Who are the main characters?", but you would not include instructions for the next story.

Do ADHD-Friendly Homework Instructions Work For Everybody?

Though each child's ADHD can vary in severity, these simplification techniques help most ADHD children improve their homework grades and comprehension skills. The key here is easy to follow formatting with plenty of visual aids, avoiding homework instruction "clutter" when possible. This creates easy, ADHD-friendly homework directions that are easily understood by any child.

by Ann Olson Read more:

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Wouldn't it be great if we could attain the body of our dreams just by thinking about it? What if I told you that your mind actually plays the most important role in your success in getting fit? Sounds crazy, but it's true...

Our subconscious mind has one all-important job, and it succeeds every time. What is this job? To prove that your beliefs are true. Note the wording here: To prove that YOUR BELIEFS are true. Not to point out what is actually true. In fact, your mind can't distinguish between whether an event is really happening or not. Visualization is a powerful tool. There have been studies done with athletes. The athlete is told to visualize his/her event in their mind and talk themselves through the event. After the event has happened, their coach played a video tape of their actual event and in many cases, the actual event was identical to the athlete's prior description of the event before the event happened.

Your beliefs are the truth for your life. Whether or not these beliefs are in fact true doesn't matter. If you believe something to be true, then your subconscious mind will perceive the universe around you in such a way that makes this belief true.

So how does this relate to your fitness level?

If you have the belief that getting in shape is hard, that eating healthy is boring, or that weight loss is elusive then you will find getting in shape to be very difficult. If you think of yourself as a fat person, or an out-of-shape person, or just an average person then your subconscious mind will do everything in its power to keep you that way.

Take a minute to let that sink in.

The great thing about our subconscious mind is that we can train it to work for us instead of against us. All we have to do is change our belief.

I'm sure you have heard the term "Believe and Achieve" - many schools have this painted on their walls and it is even printed on T-shirts. Well, the concept is absolutely true and when applied can bring success to your door faster than you thought possible.

It won't help if you simply think that it 'isn't impossible' or that 'it could happen someday.' These aren't true beliefs.

In order to have your desired result you need to truly believe with every fiber of your being that you will achieve this goal. If you are overweight then close your eyes and picture yourself fit. If you have fifty pounds to lose then think of yourself as fifty pounds lighter.

Wouldn't it be great if we could attain the body of our dreams just by thinking about it? What if I told you that your mind actually plays the most important role in your success in getting fit? Sounds crazy, but it's true... :-)

by : Machelle Lee at

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What is Art Therapy ?

Posted by Bedjo.78 | 9:33 PM | , | 0 comments »

by Jennifer B. Baxt, LMHC, LMFT

Art therapy hardly seems like the traditional type of therapy a person would see on a television show or a movie, does it? Therapy is hardly the age old stereotype that people who have no personal experience of being through therapy may picture in their minds. New methods and ideas are thought up and put into practice all the time in an effort to help people more than before. With more options available to individuals who are suffering from phobias, depression or any other condition, the more of a chance they have to work through their condition and have better lives as a result. Art therapy is one of many proven methods used to help people deal with the issues they may have that are making their lives more difficult than they need to be.

Art therapy is basically what this type of therapy is all about. It is where a person will use art, whether it is clay, paints, or pencils, to express themselves. It is a therapy that can help a person explore their inner feelings, their dreams or memories in a way that could often be easier than using words. It is through this method that a therapist can learn more about what is troubling the patient. Learning more about the patient can help the therapist decide what the best treatment or therapy the patient may need in order to continue the healing process, or overcome their depression.

A common misconception about art therapy is that it is used more for children who seem to be suffering as a result of an incident or condition, but in truth it is for just about anyone who it will work for. Regardless of what the patient’s age is art therapy can help people who suffer from depression, abuse, or certain phobias. Art encourages a person to be more creative and through this type of therapy can gain a better understanding of themselves and their issues. It will also help the counselor, or therapist, get a window into the patient’s subconscious where they can find the answers they need in order to help their patient. Often, being creative can even bring out the most subconscious thoughts of a person without them even realizing it. After all, many of the problems a person may have can often be found by the therapist helping them to look deeper into their subconscious to retrieve the issues that are at the root of their problem. It is through gaining a proper understanding of what the patient’s real problem is that a therapist can properly treat the patient, either through medicinal or non-medicinal therapies.

Art therapy is perhaps the best way for a therapist to help a patient bring out what is bothering them and creating the depression or condition. Sometimes words are just not enough and can’t fully explain what a patient is feeling or going though. Art has a way of allowing a person to express their feelings fully. Words can occasionally be limiting, where art does not really have any limits and this is what makes this type of therapy a great option for young and old alike.

Art therapy is one of many proven methods used to help people deal with the issues they may have that are making their lives more difficult than they need to be.

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Alexa is a very powerful tool used to rank web site traffic. Find out how your web site traffic stacks up against all your competitors! This is one of the most accurate freely available tools to find out how well your site ranks up against millions of other sites on the Web.

Remember: "The lower the Alexa ranking number the more heavily visited the site.".

In this tool you will know about your alexa rank early, in addition, you also get good suggestions to improve your blog. Do you want to know? You can visit at this site and submit your blog there. Click generate and you will know about your score summary in the bottom site. It’s says about your alexa rank, your PR, inbound, etc that you needed to know. Ok, try it, wish you happy. Remember, give ur comment as below. See U.

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What Makes People Special

Posted by Bedjo.78 | 11:30 AM | , | 0 comments »

This month I also want to talk about what makes a person special. Now the term ‘special’ is used to refer to different kinds of people. From the concept of special needs to a special friend, the term is used quite regularly to mean different things in different contexts.

What I want to talk about here is the notion of what makes a person special to you. What is it about them that makes you describe them in such a affectionate and emphasised way.

We all have people who regard as ‘special’ to us and we, ourselves, are regarded as being special to other people too.
The term special either refers to ‘different’ or ‘exceptional’. Firstly, those people become special because we connect with them in some way different than everyone else. They are special because there is something about the way we interact or relate to them that is different. Secondly, they are special because there is something about them which makes them even more exceptional than the other people you know. For example, when we fall in love with someone, they become special to us. They become special because we do not feel this way about anybody else.

So, being special is something subjective and is dependent on how you are perceived by someone else. So what is the point? The point is to begin to become aware of all the special people in your life and decide to contact them and do something which stands out for them. Be extra thoughtful for them and do it because you want to do it. It could be reaching out to a friend that needs to talk or visiting someone who needs to be visited. It could be sending flowers from a secret admirer anonymously or it could be buying them a small gift.

When you are buying presents make the extra effort. Listen for what they say about what kinds of things they like and make every gift you give come primarily from the heart. It’s all about doing things for others because you want to help them… not for any other reason. It’s all about being thoughtful. Thoughtfulness makes you special. It makes you different. It makes you exceptional. It makes you special.

It is in the small acts, the little bit extra thought or effort we put into something that makes us different from the rest. It is true in business and it is true in life. So every time you are interacting with someone, decide if you want to be special and if you do… then make a little bit more of an effort or be a little more thoughtful.

Please give your comment as below.


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Beasiswa ADB (Asian Development Bank) - Japan Scholarship Program was established with financing from the Government of Japan to provide an opportunity for well qualified citizens of the Bank’s Developing Member Countries (DMCs) to undertake postgraduate studies which will assist the economic and social development of their countries at University of Sydney Australia.
Each scholarship covers full tuition fees, an allowance for books and instructional materials, a monthly living allowance, medical insurance and travel expenses. For scholars engaged in research, a special grant may be applied to assist in field work and thesis preparation. In special circumstances, computer literacy, preparatory language and other similar courses may be covered under the scholarship.

Selection criteria for ADB - Japan Scholarship:
- Applicants with less than two years of work experience will not be selected.
- Preference to women candidates.
- Preference to applicants with lesser financial capacity.
- The Program will, in principle, not support applicants who have previously studied abroad.
- The Program will, in principle, not support applicants who are pursuing a second master’s degree or a second doctorate degree.
- Candidates who are applying in a participating academic institution in their own country may not be selected.
- Diversification of nationality in the overall Program as well as at each participating academic institution will be considered.

The scholarship period is one year. An appropriate extension for the second or third year of study is conditional on the scholar’s maintaining a satisfactory level of performance determined by the University of Sydney and following approval by the ADB. Competition for an ADB-JSP scholarship is extremely strong. Only candidates who receive an unconditional offer of admission will be considered for the ADB-JSP scholarship.

Application closing date for courses starting in March 2010 is 31 May 2009.
Application closing date for courses starting in July 2010 is 30 November 2009.
You can complete the Application Form by following the instructions on the form.
Please download the ADB-JSP application form.

For further information please contact:
International Office
The University of Sydney
Phone - +61 2 8627 8302
Fax - +61 2 8627 8387
Email -

Source :

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Posted by Bedjo.78 | 4:10 AM | , , , , | 0 comments »

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is nice science and art to building our character, motivation and esteem. More people use this art and science to hlp their more success.

You will be know adventage and power this NLP after read these. Will you ?

NLP Gaining Wider Acceptance

Yet, despite the objections of some Islamic traditionalists, NLP appears to be gaining wider acceptance in the broader Islamic world community as an aid to business, health, teaching and best practices in communication.

Muslimah Shamsudin, for example, used NLP for two positive purposes: to strengthen her successful training and to facilitate her devout practice of Islam during a visit to Japan.

"NLP is how you make sense of your world and most importantly how to make it what you want it to be. ...Basically, in using NLP, you need to focus on the good things you want to happen. Then, you need to figure out how to achieve these goals, and finally, you follow the steps to achieve them.

"For example, I wanted to be able to pray at the right time wherever I was, so I identified the steps I needed to follow. My first step was to pray to Allah (the All Mighty God) so that my requirement could be performed anywhere and that the people I was making a request of would meet my need. Only after such prayers would I request a praying place.

"I used NLP to achieve my training too. Before starting, I envisioned myself going through a good training and completing it successfully. I planned the things and steps I needed to take. So although I encountered some problems, I managed to get through."

– Muslimah Shamsudin, Manager, Quality Secretariat of Human Resource Department at KTMB (Malaysian Railways). She has a Diploma in Transport from the University of Wales and was an East Japan Railway Culture Foundation trainee in 1997, studying human resources management. – Japan Railway & Transport Review No. 16 (pp.46–47)

Another example of NLP being used by Muslims for business in ways that apparently do not interfere with their spiritual practice of Islam, is that of Shaikh Isam Rajab, Imam of The Islamic Center of New Mexico.

"(He) was twice licensed for memorizing the entire quran. He has a certificate in NLP 'Neuro Linguistic Programming' [as a 'business interest'], and judged quranic competitions in Kuwait 3 times."

– Texas Dawah Annual Convention IV, "The Muslim Future - Challenges and Promises"

NLP is increasingly becoming a part of a liberal education for Muslims interested in the fields of education and counseling.

"Manal Soliman attended the American University in Cairo where she majored in Mass Communication and minored in Economics. After her graduation in 1987, she went on to complete a TESOL certificate from Trinity College UK, a counseling course at Aberdeen College, Scotland, obtained a Facilitator of Parenting Groups certificate from Parentline Plus UK and obtained lately a NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) diploma from the International NLP Training Association.

"An active member of the community, both at home and abroad, Manal was responsible for coordinating and running the Arab Women Religious Education Circle, Spital Mosque, Aberdeen, Scotland from Jan 2001 to June 2003.

"She has delivered many talks to non-Arab Muslims and converts on various topics in Islam, as well as sessions in a program for Muslim girls in Aberdeen, Scotland on various issues that concern Muslim teenagers living in the west. She also took part in the organization of many women and children Muslim activities and parties in Aberdeen as well as Cairo."

–, "Live Dialog"

NLP's health benefits are also increasingly recognized in the Muslim world:

[Bahrain]: "TWENTY-ONE girls suffering from hereditary blood diseases such as sickle cell anaemia, Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) and beta thalassaemia say a new scheme launched earlier this year has made a vast improvement to their lives.

"The one-year scheme got underway in January and is being spearheaded by the Bahrain Women's Society (BWS)....

"'We have gradually brought their girls closer together. Now whenever any of them gets sick they all go to visit. This created stronger bonds between them.'

"Activities are conducted by a number of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) trainers, psychiatrists and nutritionists, who have volunteered to co-operate on the project. The hope is that mothers and children on the scheme will now pass on their new knowledge to the rest of the community.

"...Mrs Al Saleh [the mother of a 12-year old girl enrolled in the programme] has attended a number of workshops and seminars organised under the new project.

"The last of those was a Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) workshop, Six Step Life Re-framing, by NLP trainer Mohammed Al Hamad.

"Thirty women, including society officials and guests, attended the event that specifically targeted mothers. It taught them ways of "re-programming" the way they think when dealing with their children.

"'The aim is to help them acquire a more positive attitude in dealing with their children's disease,' said Mr Al Hamad."

– The Gulf Daily News, Vol XXVIII NO. 181 Saturday 17 September 2005

NLP practitioner courses are often attended by, as well as trained by Muslims from around the world to learn and teach the skills of NLP for business, parenting and education.

While I would not presume to advise any Muslim on moral questions regarding NLP as it relates to Islam, clearly for some Muslims NLP is considered appropriate when used in a supporting role for their spiritual and/or secular practices.

Sufism and NLP

Sufism is the mystical branch of Islam. It originated in the 8th Century and focuses on “Fath Rabani" (Divine Awakening).

"In contrast to the legal-minded approach to Islam, Sufis emphasized spirituality as a way of knowing God."

– Ahmad S. Dallal

"O Lord, I, a beggar, ask of Thee more than a thousand kings may ask of Thee. Each one has something he needs to ask of Thee; I have come to ask Thee to give me Thyself."

– Abdullah Ansari of Herat (1006-1089)

Sufism was initially declared heretical by orthodox Islam but was eventually tolerated more widely so long as its adherents abided by Islamic laws.

In the words of Sufi teacher, Philippe de Vos, Sufism embraces approaches which "help to ease the pains of the heart and put us more in touch with the reality of our essence... Our disorders themselves are the raw material of our recovery."

In much the same way that NLP is compatible with other spiritual traditions, NLP can be useful in removing obstacles on the path to a greater spiritual connection. NLP facilitates self-discovery and aids focus during prayer or meditation. Fundamentally, NLP shares with many mystical traditions the observation that our internal processes have a great deal to do with our experience of the "outside" world and our interpretation of events in our lives.

"Whatever we perceive in the world around us tends to reflect who we are and what we care about most deeply, as in the old saying, 'When a thief sees a saint, all he sees are his pockets.'"

– Robert Frager, Heart, Self & Soul, The Sufi Psychology of Growth, Balance and Harmony

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Self Help Tips To Beat Stress

Posted by Bedjo.78 | 6:45 PM | 0 comments »

by robertoms2003

Stress is always present in our day to day life. If you understand and learn the techniques of self help to stress management, you will be the happiest person in this world who can enjoy all the moments of your life without allowing stress to override you. Although stress itself is not a disease, but it is a contributing factor towards triggering various diseases such as asthma, skin diseases, allergies, migraine, irritable bowel syndrome etc.

Stress can make you unhappy and can make you depressed with anxiety and feeling of inadequacy. Dissatisfaction with life and pessimism becomes a part of your life and people under stress become irritable and hostile. It is sure to influence your work performance and make you unable to concentrate on your work and reduce your decision making capabilities. Physical symptoms of stress will help you realize that you are suffering from stress. These symptoms may include palpitations, dizziness, loss of appetite, digestive problems, feeling tired, reduced sex drive, frequent infections etc.

The best way to overcome stress is to beat it with self help techniques and exercising self help to stress management will also help you in gaining confidence in yourself. In order to manage stress, first of all you have to find out the sources of your stress. Once you are able to find out the exact reason which is making you stressed, it will be easier for you to find ways and mean to deal with that reason and overcome stress. Once you know what is stressing you, you can decide whether you can let go of these or not.

If you cannot do away with the reasons of your stress, than you have to adopt techniques to learn staying with those reasons without stressing yourself. You have to practice relaxing. Relaxing will enable you to lower your blood pressure and stabilize your heart beat enabling you to regain the equilibrium of your body. Closing your eyes to release tension and breathing slowly and pausing after exhalation will help you to relax your mind. It is a fact that quick-fix breathing can release tension in difficult situations. You must practice breathing slowly from your diaphragm and calm yourself by taking several deep breaths.

Meditation is another fruitful technique of relaxing both your mind and body. It induces mental awareness of human beings and helps in deep relaxation. While meditating, sit upright closing your eyes and focus your mind on an object. Looking at an image of a candle flame or flower and repeating word such as `Peace` can help you meditate effectively.

Exercising and practicing yoga is another way to combat stress. Exercising dispels stress hormones from your bloodstream and gives you a feeling of well being. Yoga with controlled breathing and meditation is by far the most effective self help to stress management. 15 to 60 minutes of exercising with about 30 minutes of moderate activity can provide your body with required stimulants to combat stress.

Aromatherapy oils such as cedar wood, geranium, basils, bergamot, rose, lavender, used alone or in combination can work wonders for stress management. Massaging these oils on your forehead and scalp can give you the much needed relief from existing stress and can activate your energy to fight future stress. Drinking plentiful of water and intake of herbal teas can also fight stress. Excessive caffeine intake can stimulate stress hormones and should be avoided to fight stress.

The above steps on self help to stress management when followed can do wonders for a stressed person and can show him the path for leading a stress free life.

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You may have heard about online colleges, but do not have enough facts to make a sound decision about whether it is right for you. If you are like most people, your main concern is whether online college is as good as other means of continuing education. The fact is that online college is a great option for most adults.First, there is no need to worry about being on time to class or commuting. You can just jump on your computer to view presentations, participate in discussions, and submit assignments each week at a time that is convenient for you.

Your studies can be worked into your busy schedule, even with job and family responsibilities. All schedule deadlines and expectations are published in advance so you know exactly what and when to do them. Second, when your online college is accredited, you will have no worries or doubts about the quality of your education. You are assured that your education meets the highest standards. In addition, when you earn your degree through an accredited online college, your degree and the credits you have earned will be accepted by your future employer, the military, or even another college or university if you wish to pursue another degree. You'll enjoy learning in a vigorous online environment that connects you with your instructor and fellow students. You will be working with students around the world through group discussion, document sharing, and e-mail. Even though the platform is a virtual one - you'll experience community in a personal way. Courses are structured and interactive so you know what to expect. The best news is that you will receive all of these benefits without cutting corners. When you choose to pursue your continuing education from an accredited online college, you will be assured that the education you receive will be the very best.

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