What Makes People Special

Posted by Bedjo.78 | 11:30 AM | , | 0 comments »

This month I also want to talk about what makes a person special. Now the term ‘special’ is used to refer to different kinds of people. From the concept of special needs to a special friend, the term is used quite regularly to mean different things in different contexts.

What I want to talk about here is the notion of what makes a person special to you. What is it about them that makes you describe them in such a affectionate and emphasised way.

We all have people who regard as ‘special’ to us and we, ourselves, are regarded as being special to other people too.
The term special either refers to ‘different’ or ‘exceptional’. Firstly, those people become special because we connect with them in some way different than everyone else. They are special because there is something about the way we interact or relate to them that is different. Secondly, they are special because there is something about them which makes them even more exceptional than the other people you know. For example, when we fall in love with someone, they become special to us. They become special because we do not feel this way about anybody else.

So, being special is something subjective and is dependent on how you are perceived by someone else. So what is the point? The point is to begin to become aware of all the special people in your life and decide to contact them and do something which stands out for them. Be extra thoughtful for them and do it because you want to do it. It could be reaching out to a friend that needs to talk or visiting someone who needs to be visited. It could be sending flowers from a secret admirer anonymously or it could be buying them a small gift.

When you are buying presents make the extra effort. Listen for what they say about what kinds of things they like and make every gift you give come primarily from the heart. It’s all about doing things for others because you want to help them… not for any other reason. It’s all about being thoughtful. Thoughtfulness makes you special. It makes you different. It makes you exceptional. It makes you special.

It is in the small acts, the little bit extra thought or effort we put into something that makes us different from the rest. It is true in business and it is true in life. So every time you are interacting with someone, decide if you want to be special and if you do… then make a little bit more of an effort or be a little more thoughtful.

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source: http://www.nlp.ie

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